
Showing posts from March, 2021

Italian study indicates ketogenic diet may help ICU patients survive

 A pilot study was just completed in Italy using similar diet changes that we tried with my wife Analiza Scholes .  Kudos to Dr. Samir G. Sukkar and his team for taking on this research. The results do clearly show lower inflammation markers for those on the ketogenic diet and suggest changing ICU feeds away from the standard high carbohydrate/sugar feeds may save lives. The study focuses on COVID-19 patients. As is well known, cytokine storm can happen for a multitude of infections and is an ancient phenomenon.  This research could literally save millions beyond just the COVID-19 pandemic. I'm looking forward to others continuing on with this research and the eventual improvement in ICU and general hospital feeding protocols.  The following quote from this study gives me hope that eventually the medical community will move from symptom treatment with medication and also include dietary interventions. " Differently from other studies in which nutrition is considered...

Weston A Price and the link between diet & immunity

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) one-quarter of the earth's population is infected with tuberculosis (TB). Only 5-15% will become ill in their lifetime and spread the disease. TB is a bacterial infection and is now very treatable yet around 1.4 million die yearly from this disease.  This raises a few questions: Why would this bacteria remain dormant in an individual?   What could trigger TB to eventually grow out of control? Could the same be true of other bacterial and even viral disease? Back in the 1930s a dental researcher Weston A. Price suspected dental health and cavities were related to diet.  He traveled the world and studied indigenous cultures not yet exposed to the modern diet and compared their health to relatives and neighboring populations that had switched to modern diets high in white flour, sugar and canned foods.  He took over 15,000 photographs and slides. He noted huge differences in dental carries, facial growth, and suscept...